Potatoes: Meet the New Superfood!

Of all the vegetables on the planet, potatoes have to be one of the most delicious and versatile. They also have to be one of the most ignored veggies when it comes to health benefits!
Here are just some of the reasons why potatoes are now considered a superfood – and why you should be eating MORE of these tasty tubers.

Nutrient Dense

We know veggies are good for us because they offer healthy nutrients. But potatoes really boast an impressive nutrient profile. Loaded with many important vitamins and minerals, potatoes boast protein, fiber, B6, potassium, and magnesium, among others.

It’s important to mention that a lot of the beneficial vitamins and minerals are found in the skin, so peeling potatoes doesn’t help you get the full nutritional value of the spud.

Loaded with Antioxidants

Potatoes are an excellent source of compounds such as flavonoids and carotenoids, which act as antioxidants, neutralizing free radicals in your body.

May Help to Manage Blood Sugar

Potatoes contain a specific type of starch called “resistant starch.” Resistant starch cannot be entirely broken down or absorbed by the body. Instead, it travels down into the large intestine where it feeds the beneficial bacteria in your gut. Researchers have found that resistant starch is beneficial for reducing insulin resistance, which improves a person’s blood sugar control.

Improved Digestive Health

That resistant starch I just mentioned? Since it acts as nourishment for beneficial gut bacteria, it allows this bacteria to flourish, improving the overall health of your gut.

A Few Rules

These are only a handful of the health benefits of potatoes, but you can see why you might want to start eating more of them. But let’s lay down a few potato-eating rules:

1. Don’t peel them – Remember, most of the beneficial nutrients are in the peels, so avoid peeling them. Instead, just give those potatoes a good washing.

2. Keep things healthy – while potatoes offer health benefits, those benefits go out the window if you fry the potatoes or load them with calories in the form of copious amounts of butter and sour cream. Use your head and discretion.

3. Eat ‘em cold – Fun fact: when you cook potatoes then let them cool, you increase the resistant starch. This means eating cold potato salad can really boost the health benefits.

Admit it, you’ll never look at potatoes the same way again!


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